Publications of the project
- Fu Song, Tayssir Touili. Pushdown model checking for malware detection. TACAS 2012. PDF
- Sébastien Bardin, Philippe Herrmann, Jérôme Leroux, Olivier Ly, Renaud Tabary, Aymeric Vincent.The BINCOA framework for Binary code analysis. CAV 2011. PDF (see also the technical report)
- Sébastien Bardin, Philippe Herrmann and Franck Védrine. Refinement-based CFG reconstruction from unstructured programs. VMCAI 2011. PDF
- Serge Chaumette, Olivier Ly, Renaud Tabary. Automated extraction of polymorphic virus analysis using abstract interpretation. NSS 2011. PDF
- Sébastien Bardin, Philippe Herrmann. OSMOSE: Automatic Structural Testing of Executables. International Journal STVR. 2011. PDF
- Fu Song, Tayssir Touili. Efficient CTL model checking for CTL. CONCUR 2011. PDF
- Sébastien Bardin, Philippe Herrmann, Florian Perroud. An Alternative to SAT-based Approaches for Bit-Vectors. TACAS 2010. PDF
- Sébastien Bardin, Philippe Herrmann. Pruning the search space in path-based test generation. ICST 2009. PDF
Publications related to the project from people involved in the project
- Sébastien Bardin and Philippe Herrmann. Structural Testing of Executables. IEEE ICST 2008.
Last modified 5 years ago
Last modified on Jan 20, 2012 11:22:17 AM
Attachments (9)
- long-tacas10.pdf (180.0 KB) - added by sebastien 7 years ago.
- stvr.pdf (287.2 KB) - added by sebastien 7 years ago.
- BINCOA-formal-model.pdf (160.6 KB) - added by vincent 6 years ago.
- bardin-herrmann-vedrine-vmcai-11.pdf (233.1 KB) - added by sebastien 5 years ago.
- dba-cav-11.pdf (79.8 KB) - added by sebastien 5 years ago.
- tabary-nss11.pdf (345.7 KB) - added by sebastien 5 years ago.
- touilli-su-concur2011.pdf (218.0 KB) - added by sebastien 5 years ago.
- bardin-herrmann-09.pdf (187.4 KB) - added by sebastien 5 years ago.
(145.9 KB) -
added by sebastien 5 years ago.
papier tacas 2012, pds and malware detection
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